Monday 30 March 2015



The state or fact of lasting for a short time; transitoriness.
Synonyms: temporariness, transitoriness, impermanence, briefness, momentariness, evanescence.

Edward Hopper (1882-1967)
A prominent American realist painter and printmaker.
Known for his oil paintings, watercolours and etchings.

NightHawks (1942)

Edward Hopper captured 'modern' American life in both rural and urban scenes. He derived his subject matter from the common features of American life(motels, restaurants, offices, railroads and street scenes) and its inhabitants. Hopper used cinematic viewpoints from a distance, as if the viewer was approaching the strangers.

This encourages me to draw from my own personal perspective within Manchester city centre.

Nigel Van Wieck 
Another American Realist Painter.

These paintings of Nigel Van Wieck's personal perspective in the place he lives in are really interesting as they convey an atmosphere between strangers in common places, i.e. travelling on a train. The paintings convey the transience of two strangers being in the same space, overlapping in moment of time. Wieck captures his view point of being in the presence of a stranger and other unlikely people that sit together and come into close contact.

I'd like to explore my personal relationships with the working people of Manchester and collect information by logging their personal thoughts and funny quotations they have personally heard in Manchester.

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