Thursday 19 March 2015


On Tuesday the 17th of March, LE GUN delivered a very interesting lecture which gave an insight to how their company works and what they love to do. 

LE GUN was established in 2004, with 7 members - 5 members being Illustrators and 2 members being Graphic Designers. Within the presentation, they spoke about who had influenced their work and how they started to raise money for their collective. They were inspired by the works of Robert Crumb and 60's style comics before their journey as creatives began in a collective.

Robert Crumb

LE GUN were also inspired by RAW magazine, some of which were portrayed in an 80's style collage using vivid primary colours and surrealist drawings.

They continued to talk about L'Assiette au Beurre (the butter plate) which were a french collective creating cartoon journals of caricatured social problems. These problems were high lighted in such a dramatic way through illustration that they sold  more than 300,000 copies of one of their magazines in 1902. Altogether the collective had produced a total of 593 regular magazines and 7 special editions.
L'Assiette au Beurre used only 3 colours for a lot of their illustrations - limiting their colour pallet meant that their work would be bold and have great results as a print.

LE GUN decided to create their own narrative based illustration magazines and raise money for funding their project by creating art and holding exclusive parties which a small fee was charged on the door. Guests at these wild parties would be encouraged to draw crude drawings on the walls as a way of self expression and to have a bit of fun. LE GUN has a filmic, narrative style which is solely portrayed in black and white. The gRAPHIC DESIGNERS WITHIN THEIR COLLECTIVE HAD A MASSIVE IMPACT ON THE MAGAZINES THEY PRODUCED. iF IT WASNT FOR THE GRAPHIC ELEMENTS then the magazine would have looked completely different - more like RAW magazine. They believe that when creating primary sketches, if the drawing dictates then it should cover a full page or two pages! 

By using traditional methods and techniques, wood block letter press type was used stating surrealist quotes which LE GUN thought that a quote can just be as powerful as a drawing.




Map of Legundon

The unknown room installation - walk in drawing

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