Monday 30 March 2015

Pecha Kucha Presentation & Summary

Katie Scott - Animalium. ETC.

I started my Pecha Kucha presentation with the above image, suggesting that I wanted to research the transience of two strangers meeting for a brief period of time. Even though Katie Scott's illustrations are not connected with my current subject matter, I really love the style of these illustrations - earthy tones and off white background for that authentic aging look.

Angelica Dass - Brazilian Photographer

I used this image in my presentation so that I could talk about how I want to portray strangers from different backgrounds and ethnicities in Manchester - to suggest that you don't have to be the same to be in a community.


Denise Nestor
The reason why I have looked at Denise Nestor's Illustration is that I might experiment with compositions by overlapping drawings of strangers within manchester.


Ed Fairburn

I have many ideas for this project so I am going to try and draw in different ways. Another possibility is to draw the faces of the people of Manchester over maps of different areas if Manchester. Linking different stereotypes to the area that you can find them in - for example, 'Hipsters' in The Northern Quarter. 'Business Men' in Spinning Fields, 'Goths, Rockers and Emos' in Urbis. Etc.

The work of Fernando Viente and Florian Nicolle might also be relevant to unit X as they overlay maps and articles with portraits.

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