Friday 8 May 2015

Postcard Designs, Ideas and Development

So First Years of Illustration With Animation have been asked to create and design a postcard as part of our UNIT X - The postcard must link with current ideas within UNIT X and be related to Manchester in some shape or form.
Once the postcards have been completed, they will be sent off for professional printing along with a personal QR code sticker linked to this blog!

The exhibition will take place on the 14th of May on Federation Street, behind the print works in Manchester. Details to be continued!

(Denise Nestor)

Take note: scan drawings onto the computer instead of taking photographs because it wil look more professional for my final portfolio.

Above: Black and Yellow versions of my postcard to represent the colours of the worker bee.The prints were layered with fine liners drawings and cut out onto darker backdrops for a dramatic impact.

Final Postcard Design

My postcard shall be exhibited with the rest of the graphic and illustration student's work which I am very excited about. I am pleased with my final outcome for the exhibition as it is appropriate for a 'throw-away' illustration.

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